• Outline

    A legendary Japanese hip hop group, NITRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUND has announced that they are resuming their activities in 2019, which is also the year of their 20th anniversary from their debut in 1999. DJ HAZIME and DJ WATARAI produced the music ‘LIVE19’. The music video is combined with self-shot videos of various rappers: DELI, SUIKEN, DABO, MACKA-CHIN, GORE-TEX, XBS, S-WORD and BIGZAM. In the video, a short self-shot video shows each rapper’s performance and is passed to the other rapper successively as if it were a microphone relay. CEKAI produced the music video and directed the production.

    1999年のデビュー以降、瞬く間に日本のヒップホップシーンの頂点へと昇りつめ、ジャパニーズストリートシーンに爆発的ムーブメントを巻き起こした伝説のヒップホップグループ「NITRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUND(ニトロマイクロフォンアンダーグラウンド)」が、デビュー20年の節目を迎える2019年、活動再開を発表した。「LIVE19」はDJ HAZIMEとDJ WATARAIがプロデュースした楽曲。MVはマイクリレーを展開するDELI、SUIKEN、DABO、MACKA-CHIN、GORE-TEX、XBS、S-WORD、BIGZAMの自撮り映像で構成されている。

  • Credit

    Art Direction / Design : Takahiro Yasuda(CEKAI)
    Director : Taichi Kimura(CEKAI / CAVIAR UK)
    Effect Designer : Kairi Sato
    Produce : Tetsuro Shinoda(CEKAI)
    Produce : Wataru Watanabe(CEKAI)
    Project Manager : Yohei Fujii(CEKAI)
    Production Assistant : Takahiro Kawahara(CEKAI)
    Production : CEKAI